With the advent of the Internet, everyone can now access health-related information with just one click of a search button. While the Internet has indeed made our lives easier, it has also become a source of misinformation, especially for breast cancer patients who want to know more about their disease.
To help you and your loved ones determine the truth, we at Spring Park Pharmacy will tackle common misconceptions about breast cancer:
- MYTH: Breast cancer only affects women.
This is probably one of the most common myths that clients in a pharmacy in Jacksonville, Florida mistakenly believe in. But the truth is, men can develop breast cancer, too. While men would rather call their breasts “pecs” or chests, they also have breast tissues that may be affected by cancer. - MYTH: Wearing deodorant causes breast cancer.
False! Fortunately for us, scholars have not yet found a significant connection between using deodorants and developing breast cancer. - MYTH: Breast cancer is incurable and untreatable.
While researchers have not yet found a cure for breast cancer, it can still be managed. There are a lot of effective treatment options available for breast cancer patients. Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy are just some of them. If your doctor prescribes taking targeted therapy drugs, you need not worry about where to acquire them since a prescription drugstore in Florida has a wide array of quality pharmaceutical products to meet your needs.
Should you have difficulties in getting your prescribed breast cancer treatments at a pharmacy, you might want to consider prescription delivery in Florida. Call us at 904-551-5094 today so we can help you maintain your optimal health.